A GREAT BIG UPCOUNTRY THANK YOU goes out to everyone in our community who participated, supported, and donated to our Annual Amador Upcountry Rotary Crab Feed Fundraiser last January. We were blessed with good weather, a full house, great raffle and auction items, and of course, fabulous crab and clam chowder. Special thanks to Club President Tammy Demetrus for planning and organizing the event. We raised over $9500 for our upcountry community service projects, that will go toward our vocational scholarships, and to sponsor 3 high school seniors to Rotary's Youth Leadership Awakening Camp next summer at Camp Grizzly in Portola, CA , as well as 5 eighth graders to attend Rotary's Eighth Grade Leadership Camp in September. For more information about our leadership camps, please go to camp-ryla.org and to rotaryegl.com.
A GREAT BIG UPCOUNTRY THANK YOU goes out to everyone in our community who participated, supported, and donated to our Annual Amador Upcountry Rotary Crab Feed Fundraiser last January. We were blessed with good weather, a full house, great raffle and auction items, and of course, fabulous crab and clam chowder. Special thanks to Club President Tammy Demetrus for planning and organizing the event. We raised over $9500 for our upcountry community service projects, that will go toward our vocational scholarships, and to sponsor 3 high school seniors to Rotary's Youth Leadership Awakening Camp next summer at Camp Grizzly in Portola, CA , as well as 5 eighth graders to attend Rotary's Eighth Grade Leadership Camp in September. For more information about our leadership camps, please go to camp-ryla.org and to rotaryegl.com.